Friday, February 8, 2019

Blackfish summary

Blackfish is a documentary film about the multiple incidents, including the three deaths, that prompted the ongoing court case between Sea World, and OSHA, the "Occupational Safety and Health Admissions". These 3 deaths, which included 2 Orca trainers, were caused by Sea World's infamous bull Orca "Tilikum." Through a series of interviews with former Orca trainers that worked with, or around Tilikum, and other problematic captive Orca, the film tries to find an explanation for what happened. 
This documentary explores how long-held misconceptions and harmful living conditions may be causing orca whales to lash out violently toward their trainers. Several cases of death and mutilation are researched, leading to some uncomfortable questions about how we choose to keep and display these large and very intelligent animals.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

If we should have zoo’s

I read a arcticle that if we should have zoo’s so I’m gonna sumerrize what I read There are probably no more golden frogs in Panama, though. The tiny yellow creatures disappeared around 10 years ago. This happened after a fungus spread. 
Panamanian golden frogs may be extinct in the wild, but many still live in U.S. zoos. Photo: Wikimedia.
Panamanian golden frogs may be extinct in the wild, but many still live in U.S. zoos. Photo: Wikimedia.
Many zoos in the United States have them, though. Zoos have been raising the frogs for years. They planned to return them to the forests in Panama one day. 
Things have changed in Panama. Many of the trees in the forests have been cut down. The frogs probably would not survive in the wild. Should the zoos still raise them?
It is one of many questions about zoos. People wonder if zoos are a good thing. Some are not sure if we should have them.     Many zoos have programs to teach people about wildlife and biodiversity. The San Diego Zoo is in California. It offers camps, classes and sleepovers, for example. 
Some people say these programs are important. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) oversees zoos in the United States. It says that zoo education programs help visitors feel connected to nature. This can make them want to help. 
Many zoos have educational programs for children and adults. Some think that zoos help foster an appreciation for wildlife and the environment. Photo: Anthony DeRosa/Public Domain
Many zoos have educational programs for children and adults. Some think that zoos help foster an appreciation for wildlife and the environment. Photo: Anthony DeRosa/Public Domain
People who support zoos believe that most zoos treat animals well.In recent years, many zoos have made new spaces for their animals. They are designed to look more like the animal's natural habitat. They also give the animals more things to do, like climb trees or swing on ropes.